Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wolfgang Family

My dear friend Allie (with whom I have done several shoots with including her pregnancy session) bought a photography session for Jenna for her baby shower gift.
Jenna wanted to wait and use it once her son was sitting up and smiling.
Aren't they the cutest family? Their style is so relaxed and I had so much fun shooting this little guy. Ryker James Wolfgang. Just his name says "rock star" don't you think?

I Love these window shoots. I can't deceide which one is my favorite. Jenna is just as gorgeous in person. She is gentle and loving, being a mother comes so naturally to her. It is really beautiful to watch her love on Ryker.
I love how dad's always have a special way of making their kids giggle. Jason had all sorts of fun games that were a sure thing in getting Ryker's attention. It was so fun to watch them play. I could tell they must have played those games 100 times, and each time Ryker would light up with glee.
He made the CUTEST faces. Such a sweet boy.

This one is my favorite.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you, Lord, for such a precious, little gift. Grandchildren are a wonderful thing.